1/6 was a messy ride on the stupidity bus, and Trump was at the wheel. OK. But what caused the passengers to get on that bus. Could it have been the attacks on Trump before he even entered office. Perhaps the undercover FBI hit on newly arriving Trump Whitehouse team. Or the Steele dossier, Russian collusion, Adam Schiff’s secret meetings and absolute evidence that never surfaced, or the attacks on the Portland Federal Court building, Seattle police station burning, “defund the police”, Nancy Pelosi labeling all Republicans “enemies of the state”, or……… The November election will come down to choosing which of those worlds you want to live in. 1/6 was a horrendous event, but it was singular. The alternative behavior was enacted over a prolonged period of time and all over the country…anarchy for weeks. Should the Republicans manage to take back the House and Senate in November ( a realistic possibility) the left will show their colors once again and throw a tantrum…burn a few things, kill a few people and generally threaten everyone that doesn’t do the same. From their perspective America is only a Democracy when they win. Truth!