A lot of people seem to worry over why Pelosi is doing what she is doing with the impeachment docs. That’s pretty pointless. No matter what her purpose, it is the same sort of political BS she often slings these days. There may be mega-donors pulling strings, or the “stop Bernie” gang scheming around, or any number of other theories. It’s the usual deception of politicians.
Nancy is too savvy to believe that she can actually wield any influence over the Senate. And that’s as it should be. The Senate didn’t wield any power over the House as they pressed their entirely partisan impeachment inquisition forward. What the House, and thus the Democrats should expect from the Senate is the same balanced, fair and just process that they offered the House Republicans…meaning none.
The fact that Mitch McConnell admits that he is not an “impartial juror” is a refreshing bit of truthfulness; especially when compared to the obvious bias of Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler in the House process. To try to play the “fair and unbiased” card at this point is ludicrous considering the Dem’s did essentially nothing along that line when they had the ball.
So….what’s Nancy up to? Playing games! Whether it’s about Bernie, or mega-donors, or Iowa or gastric reflux, it’s more political BS. In reality she is holding a pretty weak hand. She knows she should only expect from the Senate the same kind of treatment she meted out in the house. She is too smart to make a all-in bluff so the only alternative is to fool around and posture and make a bunch of noise and pump the leftist media with talking points and sound bites until she eventually folds and accepts the outcome.
Remember, the House Democrat leadership has known from the beginning that unless they got some some House Republicans to join their side, or could get the public into some sort of outspoken rage, the whole thing was DOA in the Senate.This is not news. That’s why she started by saying that it needed to be a bipartisan thing in order to move forward. The fact that she moved forward, even against her own purported beliefs, is not a reflection of the incorrectness of her original position, but rather one of her giving in to the far-left voices in her party. In the end none of those things she considered essential for success came to pass. Quite the opposite. The only bipartisan aspect of the House impeachment was against impeachment not for it. Instead of rising in outrage, the public opinion either never changed or actually moved toward the “no impeachment” side of the polls.
At this point, no matter what she chooses to do, Nancy finds herself in a no-win scenario.