51 nights of rioting and Mayoral incompetence

An open message to the Mayor of Portland

3 min readJul 21, 2020


Dear Mr. Mayor. I am not a Portland resident, but I have been to your lovely city many times, and have many friends there and across Oregon. I felt compelled to send you a message to voice my concern, with more than a bit of outrage, at the way you have allowed your city to devolve into anarchy and chaos. I, and my many Oregonian friends, struggle with the apparent disregard for law and order that you display. As such, it is complete dereliction of your duty. Consider this evidence.

When your took the office of Mayor you made the following oath;

“I, Ted Wheeler, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Oregon and the Charter of the City of Portland and its laws; and I will faithfully, honestly and ethically perform my duties as Mayor.”

The facts are Ted that you have not been faithful, honest or ethical in your executing the office of the Mayor; and you know it. The assaults, violence, property damage, looting and attacks on Portland Police Officers, innocent citizens and private property are all violations of the US Constitution, The Oregon State Constitution and the Portland City Charter; things you swore to uphold as requirement of your office. Either your inability to do so speaks to your ineptitude, or your reluctance to do so speaks to your complicity. In either case you are derelict in your duty.

Just to make sure I wasn’t crazy, I recently took the opportunity to refresh my memory of the language of the Oregon State Constitution. As it appears you have forgotten, I’ll repeat it’s preamble here;

We the people of the State of Oregon to the end that Justice be established, order maintained, and liberty perpetuated, do ordain this Constitution.

It is difficult to see how the anarchy in your streets, that you have allowed for 51 days in a row, meets with the intent of the Oregon Constitution. It is well past time for you to step up and act as the Mayor of all of the citizens of Portland Ted and not just be a puppet of the ultra left anarchists. Step up or step down Ted. There is no middle ground here. The law is the law. If you don’t respect it you should find another job.

PS: Now I know you are trying to blame your whole mess on Trump, but don’t bother. I said 51 days in a row intentionally because you had 51 days to get your act together and get it under control. and could not. I know you and your cronies are all trying to blame it on him, but that will not work Ted. It is too obvious, even for the ignorant lot that put you in office in the first place, to believe that after we all saw 51 days of evidence. I am surprised that Mr. Trump waited as long as he did. I would have had federal agents there to protect federal facilities and personnel within the first few weeks. He apparently wanted to give you plenty of opportunity to solve it for yourselves; but that was obviously a mistake on his part. You have proven yourselves incapable of solving the problem, so the federal government must step in.

So, get some cojones Ted, and do your job, or better yet, get out of the way. America is watching.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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