Another great article Steve! I submit that at the core of this "adjustment" the same "my way or the highway" social behavior drives the lack of understanding and acceptance and fuels the discord; perhaps intentionally in some cases.
The "solution", at least from a sports perspective seems simple to me. Y's don't get to compete with X's. All this sex / gender "confusion" aside, ( I am amazed at how many supposedly smart people struggle to give clear responses ), if you have a 'Y' chromosome that gives you distinct physiologic advantage over 'X' folks. How you choose to live with / manage that personally does not change that reality.
I watched part of 'What is a woman". I may watch the rest if time allows. I was surprised / not surprised by the amateurish deflection tactics used by some of those "smart" authority-types. Responding to a question with a question is simply saying "I don't know" or "I won't asnswer"...but I don't want you to know that. It smacks of opinion built of a foundation of Jello.
Do keep writing Steve. Your perspective adds value to the conversation.