AOC and MTS (Marxist Tantrum Syndrome).
I just listened to the top Socialist / Marxist mouthpiece AOC tell her people to become “radicalized” if they don’t get their way. There was a time when I thought that any sane person would not want to incite violence among the citizens of our country. Then came the infection and subsequent disease of the extreme leftist / socialist / Marxist faction of the Democratic party. AOC personifies that disease, that sickness that pervades the once-grand Democratic party that now says if they can’t have it their way, they’re not going to let anyone have it. That is the language of a Marxist tantrum. From someone who does not care about being rational or playing be the rules. If things go their way they are delighted. If things don’t go their way they have a fit. Childish behavior even among children. Dangerous and irresponsible among political leaders.
It is not hard to make the case that AOC’s words, intended to incite people to violence, are treasonous. She may try to hide behind the thin veil of innuendo, after all, what does “radicalize” really mean, but the message she was sending to her faction, and to those who oppose her, is clearly meant to threaten. In a strict legal sense that would seem to make AOC a domestic enemy. Consider this: she seems to have forgotten the oath swore when she took office? For those who don’t know, here’s what it says; “I, (name of person being sworn, in this case AOC) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” That seems clear what the expectations are for the behavior of a member of the House of Representatives (Crazy Nancy not withstanding).
Now, just for those who may not know here’s how treason is defined. “Treason; noun; the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government…” Or if you prefer the Wikipedia definition: “Treason is criminal disloyalty, typically to the state. It is a crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one’s nation or sovereign.” Thus, any member of the House who incites violence (which we all know is what AOC is threatening) is not only exhibiting dereliction of duty and oath of office, but is also committing a treasonous act. Left uncontested that would mean that unless the rest of the Democrat party steps up and condemns such language they are complicit in that act of treason.
On the other side of this political equation you have a Conservative mindset that will not strike the first blow. But should AOC get her way and her radicalized brothers and sisters take to violence, as is their tendency of late, things could get very messy in a hurry. Most of my Conservative friends, if not all, are peaceful, hardworking citizens of all races, religions and genders. Many have military or law enforcement backgrounds.You can be sure that none of them, and certainly no member of the Republican House or Senate, will stoop to the gutter-level of AOC and threaten to incite violence if they lose. That is unAmerican, they know it and are above such practice. But if push comes to shove, they will shove back very hard.
I imagine that many who have read this far are trying to find shelter from the truth in this message by pointing a finger at Trump. Get over it! He won!!! (I know Crazy Nancy has labeled him and all Republicans enemies of the state. Hillary called them deplorable, Nancy calls us enemies….who cares! That’s just political desperation.) From the moment he was elected, up to and including this very day, Trump has been assailed with BS from the left side of the aisle and their media cohorts. He fights like he’s cornered because he has been under constant attack for almost 4 years. Though some will claim otherwise none of it has stuck; but it persists none the less. And yet when you look at the record he has still got more done than BO or GWB did in their 8 years at the helm.
(Crazy Nancy resurrected that four letter word… impeachment… again today. She is one sick soul. The level of desperation in her words, her acts and her twisted-lip on camera antics are beyond obvious to anyone paying attention.)
My friends and neighbors talk a bit about the situation in America today. The calls from the Left to “defund the police”, the obvious disdain they have for law enforcement and the rule of law, the ugly situations in Dem-lead big cities like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, LA, NY and so many others. Though we do not always agree on everything (which is good, healthy and to be expected) we all seem to pretty much agree that these problems lay directly at the feet of the leaders of those cities. They didn’t become such a mess over night. This has been growing for decades. Even my Democrat friends have trouble defending what has been allowed to happen in these Dem-lead cities.
Perhaps I am wrong. The election will tell us more. If Republicans lose they will no doubt be noisy and distressed. But I fear that if the Democrats lose we’ll have riots and burning and bodily harm and death going on again in the streets everywhere….what AOC calls a “radicalized” response. That’s scary. I’m headed to Bass Pro Shops.