2 min readApr 8, 2020


Bias is bias! And this story has plenty.

Let’s look back. Of the last 27 year and about 5 months, the Democrats had the presidency for 16 of them, with either the House or Senate or both. That means that the Republicans have had the Presidency 11 years and about 5 months; also sometimes with the House, the Senate or both. Advantage Democrats. So stop grumbling. You’ve had plenty of chances.

Now let’s look at the differences between the 2009 market collapse and this 2020 corona virus pandemic. I do this because the writer does not seem to be able to do it. In 2009 the market tanked because of “Wall Street” shenanigans. Some people lost their jobs and some people lost a lot of money. But very few people went to the hospital, very few people were put on ventilators and very few, if any, died because of that market crash. Conversely, this Covid 19 pandemic has killed 10’s of thousands and caused millions to lose their jobs. I don’t need to tell anyone about the Covid 19 pandemic details that make it a once-in-a-century tragedy. I also do not think that I need to point out how different these two events were.

Yet the writer wants us to draw inappropriate parallels. To say that how one event was handled should be viewed through the same monocle as the other. That’s like saying the treatment for cancer should be viewed from the perspective of a broken leg. Not smart.

So why does this article exist? What was the writers motivation? To me it is blatantly obvious. It is simply to prop up a “platform” from which to assail the Republican party and all those who vote in support of Republican views. It’s just another anti-right rant disguised in the the drama and heart ache of this moment. It’s the usual “oh poor me. I was going to get something done, but they wouldn’t let me” moaning and whining invoked too often by politicians to explain their inability to get anything done. Politics is easy, at least in the sense of avoiding having your performance measured. They have a built in excuse for failure called the other side of the aisle. And by the way, that cuts both ways.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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