Black and White!
Though some might assume from the title of this short piece that it is about race, it is not. Rather it is about perspective. It’s about cutting through the blinding glare and deafening noise from rhetoric that has been dumped across the entire social / political landscape and making a choice of which path to take and who to follow.
This coming November all American citizens will get to make a choice for which path and which leaders we want to follow. For some it is an easy choice; many have already made up their minds. For others that choice may not be so clear cut and obvious; the glare and the noise make it hard to see, hear, think.
But if you stop for a moment and scrape off that muck you might find that the decision becomes more obvious. It boils down to a simple matter of choice. Granted there will still be a lot of stuff going on in the background, stuff that we definitely need to address, but that has always been the case in America. We have always been in a state of evolution. Everywhere you look evidence of that process is clearly visible. Are we finished? No! Is there a lot to do? Yes! Are some things more pressing than others? Yes, that has always been true, and always will be. But it is in the evolution, and it’s recognition, that the reality of America can be seen.
So, if you shut your eyes to that glare and cover your ears from that noise, and look at what’s really there, the choice is becomes quite simple. It becomes a choice of black or white. A choice between peace or war. Law or lawlessness. Order or chaos. Civility or anarchy. Building a better future or erasing a tainted past. Love or hate.
Who you assign which side of these choices to is yours to decide. For me it is simple and completely clear which part of the political spectrum stands for which side of my black or white decision process. It is clear who represents peace, law, order, civility, the future and love; and who represents war, lawlessness, chaos, anarchy, the past and hate.
It can be clear for you too. All you need to do is shut out the glare and the noise and picture in your mind the landscape of the future you prefer. When you do that you will know who to choose.