2 min readOct 8, 2020


Brian. I’m not sure how old you are of if you live in or near SF. I have decades of first hand experience with the place. Kamala is actually a symptom of a long slow slide by the city into becoming an “s hole” as you put it. But I can tell you that though it was well down that path when she first assumed some city government power she did nothing to make it better (nor did Gavin Newsom) and many local feels she made it worse. The same is true for her tenure as Ca AG…and so far anyway as Senator.

The same is true of our federal governmental mess. Trump has only been there less than 4 years. Prior to his arrival the federal government had been in a long slow slide not unlike SF. That slide was driven by professional politicians who spent decades making promise and failing to deliver. Prior to Trump, Congress was a cat fight. Nothing going anywhere and each blaming the other. (It must be nice to have a built in excuse for failure sitting across the aisle from you. Just point and moan.)

Biden is a 47 year professional politician. Like all such he is promising to do the same thing he promised to do 47 years ago and has yet to get it done. What makes anyone think that he will get it right this time slays me. There is no evidence that will be the case. Most, if not all, of the crap he is promising to do he already had an 8 year shot at. He and Mr. O. achieved little of significance while they had the reigns. So little that it drove big portions of the nation to vote for someone they probably didn’t like much of the surface; Donald Trump.

I can’t tell you how the election will come out. I can tell you if Biden wins President Harris will screw us all and the left will try to do what they have done in California, silence the opposition and make it near impossible to have a conservative voice influence anything. I don’t know if you live in or near California, but again my decades long view has shown me it is on that same San Francisco slide. The state is in big trouble. Crumbling infrastructure, poor and declining schools, near dysfunctional energy grid, an epidemic of homelessness, drug addiction and alcoholism living on it’s streets, it’s population is declining and businesses are fleeing. It is just a very tarnished version of what was once the “Golden State”. With the 5th largest economy in the world California is still trillions of dollars in debt. Unfunded liabilities and total government debt is over $100,000 per every single resident. “Over yonder trouble brews”.

The evidence tells anyone willing to look at it that SFD (San Francisco Disease) is spreading to the rest of the state and, with Harris in the VP seat will metastasize throughout the country. Not a pretty picture.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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