Build some prisons and build them fast.
I’ve been watching the protests and chaos unfold over the last few days. At first I was with the protesters and agreed in my heart with their anger over what happened to George Floyd and how poorly the local Minneapolis authorities responded to it. They should have immediately arrested Derek Chauvin and filed charges against the other officers who stood by and allowed this murder to happen. I was with them all the way.
Then, they lost me, when the rioting and looting and destruction of private and public property started. As I watch my anger against those involved in Mr. Floyd’s death turned to anguish for the people of those communities and eventually broke into disgust as I realized that what was unfolding was simply a wide scale crime. A bunch of people using that moment to act uncivilized and attack their neighbors and those who seek to protect them. The evidence was everywhere to be seen. People brought their $65,000 pickup trucks to the back door of a liquor store in Minneapolis and loaded up with stolen merchandise. How dumb is that! Others were seen streaming out of stores and other businesses arms loaded with stolen merchandise, dancing and smiling and acting like they had done something special to show off to their friends, or maybe their children. (Look what daddy got you in the riots sweetheart. Aren’t you proud!)
This unfolded in most of our biggest cities right before our eyes. With ultra high definition video cameras rolling all the time. A testament not to the validity of their cause but rather to the stupidity of their behavior. It’s all there in the video files, and it’s all evidence. As this continues to unfold, highly skilled professionals are applying highly sophisticated technology to identify all those involved in this criminal activity in order to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. As a result, we can and should expect to have a tremendous need for prison cells as these people get to pay for their actions in the only course left open to civil society, incarceration!
I can already hear the TV news sound bites of enraged leftist leaders as a steady stream of their people pay the price for their actions. Somehow they will want us to believe that all of this sick and twisted behavior as justified. These people are just misunderstood. Some will pronounce that everyone other than the perpetrators of these crimes are at fault. That it is not the fault of the perpetrators but rather the fault of the victims.
So, look at the evidence for yourself. Think about where we go from here. This is not dust up that can be resolved by all agreeing to disagree and go their way. This is a bridge too far and the perpetrators of these crimes just need to go to jail.