Cancel Culture is Cancer Culture
This “cancel culture” disease that permeates the left needs some heavy chemo. It’s a cancer on civil society. A blight on intelligence. A throwback to school yard bullying. I’ve been watching what they are trying to do to Goya Foods and it’s CEO. I was so happy to see him stand up to the leftist bullies I immediately went out and bought some of their products and plan to not only continue, but promote them to every one I can. Why? Because I can’t stomach bullyism, no matter what form it takes; even when it is tarted up with a bunch of Hollywood faces and celebrity names. Boycotting a company like Goya, just because you disagree with some comments from the CEO, that rightfully (and constitutionally) applauded Trump for his recent actions to promote Hispanic companies and culture, is testament to the hyper-disease state too much of the liberal left suffer from. Their answer to everything seems to be if you don’t agree with them they will make you pay. Besides being Mafioso in tone, it goes directly against clear-thinking, adult-like behavior. Meaning, it’s a freakin’ tantrum from a bunch of children…no matter what their chronological age.
I am tempted to say we should just return the favor and boycott their BS, but I don’t like reverse bullyism either. What I do propose is that we should take a good close look at anyone who engages in promoting this disease, and name names. The question is really simple; Are you for or against Hispanic Prosperity? That is what the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative is about. Leave the politics out of it for a moment, if you can, ( I know it’s addictive), and just answer the question. I’ve got to think that most Hispanics would want more Hispanic prosperity. In fact, I’ve got to think that most Americans would be in favor of increasing Hispanic prosperity. I can only assume therefore that anyone involved in hammering Goya Foods or it’s CEO is against Hispanic Prosperity. We need to know the names of those folks and call them on it!
OK…..I can hear the outrage about my comments. And you know what, I don’t care. I can hear some folks recanting the falsehood that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers. Though left wing media twists his words that way, in context everyone knows he was referring to illegal entry into the country across the Mexican border…and not the legal entry by Mexicans, or anyone else. But I don’t care what anyone thinks about that either. Everyone has the right to think what they want. If for some reason you are not good with that…..tough! Get over it. And get over yourself.
Oh, by the way, In addition to this Hispanic Prosperity Initiative Trump gave us Criminal Justice Reform, the First Steps Act, Opportunity Zones in under-privileged neighborhoods, permanent funding for Historic Black Colleges and Universities…and more. Did he do it alone? Of course not. In most cases it took support from both sides of the political divide. Never the less, it was done on his watch. You can spin that anyway you want, because again, I don’t care. But it is worth noting that it’s more than Obama and Obiden got done in their 8 years at the steering wheel.
But there I go digressing again. I’m sure the Trump-haters are gritting their teeth….which may have been my point anyway, because the Cancel Culture is infested with Trump-haters.