Cauf owes them nothing! The folks in Martha's Vineyard can afford to buy their own apologies. Did you read their sign proclaiming their holier-than-though belief system, the one they totally did not actually beleive in? "All are welcome here" Really? Apparenmtly that just an image piece. "Aren't those MV people sooooo nice?" For supposedly being image conscious they sure act stupid.
Also, more to the point; Notice that this was not a national, front page story until liberal enclaves such as MV had to experience just a tiny, tiny portion of what border states experience every day; the stark reality of the broken border policy and intended "invitation" of a feckless leader for all to "come on down". The fact that the Joe and the liberals have done ZERO to fix the border and tons to make it worse can not be shuffled off on to anyone else. This stink has a known and clearly defined source; the Biden adminisatation and their leftist enablers. I for one hope that De Santis and Abbot and others hold their nose to that stink until they tap out.