Commutation masturbation: Was it good for you too?
As expected Trump commuted Roget Stone’s prison sentence. Equally as expected the leftist media and their political hacks all broke into rabid, mouth-frothing outrage! One “expert” Jeffery Tobin went as far as to say “This is simply not done by American presidents. They do not pardon or commute sentences of people who are close to them or about to go to prison. It just does not happen until this president.” firmly and forever substantiating that he doesn’t know of what he’s talking about.
That said, this message does not require nor do I desire a response from him or anyone else. It is only a statement of facts we should all keep in mind; especially Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer and their cronies, who all seem to have poor, or at least distorted memories.
I was not at all surprised to see Nancy and the puppet-left news media get their buns all up in a bunch over this. They actually had no choice. Their rhetoric made it impossible for them to actually tell the truth. It simply did not fit their narrative. So, the pomposity and feigned outrage were to be expected. But though they think the majority of Americans are dumb, forgetful and/or uneducated, they would be well served to keep in mind that there are a great number of Americans that know a bit about presidential history and immediately see the fallacy of their antics. This action by the President may be controversial, but it is far from “unheard of” and actually pretty mundane compared to the actions of other Presidents. Because I believe (hope) readers already know Presidential history pretty well, or at least know how to Google it, I will confine my comments to the actions of just one past President, one Mr. William Jefferson Clinton.
Exercising his powers of pardon and commutation 456 times, MANY people feel that Mr. Clinton was far and away the biggest abuser of those Presidential powers, committing some of the worst abuses of this power; if not the worst in all of Presidential history. This included pardons for his (half) brother Roger Clinton (conspiracy to distribute cocaine) and his friend and business partner Susan McDougal. Somehow people like convicted counter-fitter Billy Dick, illegal gun runner Robert Raymond, savings and loan embezzler John Martin, and many, many more got on his pardon list. He also pardoned fugitive financier Marc Rich. This guy fled the country for the sole purpose of evading justice. What’s stunning here is that Mr. Rich was also a major donor to the Democratic party. In what is widely viewed as a pay for play kick back Clinton simply wiped away his convictions for fraud, tax evasion, racketeering, and illegal dealings with Iran. These actions are widely viewed as the most heinous, and far more corrupt than anything Mr. Trump has done. Especially when one considers that there are reasonable grounds for action in the Stone case (with all due respect to Attorney General Barr) because of the way the prosecution and trial displayed first entrapment and then bias in both the jury and presiding judge.
So, many on the left and in the left wing media already know this to be true. If they don’t they should look it up for themselves. And then it would be a good idea for them to remind their cohorts, especially Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer. Their puffed up rantings in the leftist new media are a total falsehood and distortion of the truth. But then again, maybe don’t bother. History has shown that telling people the truth is almost never their real purpose.