2 min readMar 23, 2020


Congress is THE problem.

It’s Monday morning March 23rd and we are well down the track with our Covid-19 crisis…and people are suffering all across our country. Meanwhile back in the Swamp, Congress is once again playing their sick political game. They just can’t seem to not look for some tiny bit of leverage over each other and do what’s good for the country. In any “normal” situation this behavior would chalked up to politics as usual and though looked upon with exasperation it would be tolerated as just the usual swamp-dweller behavior. In the midst of this crisis however it should be looked upon for what it is…dishonest, disingenuous, dysfunctional, dereliction of duty. My hope is that if they cannot get their act together today the President will step in and slap them all about the head and shoulders and declares what ever he needs to in order to act unilaterally and tell them all to stick it in their collective rectal orifices.

I will not spend a lot of time to seek a lot of elegant words to make my case, because you all already know of what I speak. I will not choose one party over the other, because you all already know exactly who is at fault here. I will not single out individual members of Congress because you all already know this is about the sickness that pervades the professional political gene pool. I will only say that there are many heroes in our country right now, putting their lives on the line, going the extra mile to help care for those that are ensnared in this moment, but no heroes are to be found in Congress. Quite the opposite. They are a huge part of the problem and need to be held accountable.

Come this November, when we get around to considering who we want to lead our nation in the halls of Congress we must not lose sight of this moment. We must remember that everyone in Congress is a collaborator in this disaster, every one of them is a conspirator, every one of them is complicit in this crime upon America, everyone of them should be held accountable, and every one of them should be replaced.




One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.