Do you have nothing better to do than trash America? Your take is all wrong and your hyper-socialist / anarchistic tendencies and rants have become very well worn. I started out reading them from start to finish, but have found I no longer need to. Every one of your MANY diatribes use the same hyperbole and the same misguided nonsense over and over, ad nauseum.
I think I see your game though. There is a psychological type of warfare that relates to the idea that if you generate enough negative BS for a long enough period of time people will begin to think it is true. There are many articles and research papers published on that idea. One recent one, in the September 2019 Special Issue of Scientific American titled “A New World Disorder” talks about how so many people are exploited by willingness to agree with and share internet content without realizing it is done simply to spread disinformation. It’s the process of weaponizing the written (and spoken) word. If emit negative messages over and over for long enough the thought is that people will eventually think they true.
As noted in the article, this type of behavior falls into essentially three levels; Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation. (A cool new word “malinformation”.) Both disinformation and malinformation are associated with the intent to do harm. Disinformation is described as “Fabricated or deliberately manipulated content, intentionally created conspiracy theories or rumors.” Hmmmmm…..
The reason I associate your work with such practice is because essentially every day you generate a new headline, with a new apocalyptic graphic image but then engage in essentially the same rant. The wording is different, but your message “I hate America and everything it stands for” is clear. The shear number of your rants tells me that it is unlikely that one person could do this on their own and still find time to eat and sleep. It feels like some sort of organized campaign to convince people they should be full of dread and anxiety, even if they don’t really see or feel it themselves.
It is apparent that you would wish America, and likely the world, to fall into anarchy. That capitalism is going to collapse around our ears and all is going to be horrible. That freedom is a facade and democracy is DOA. The problem is that is not the case. If you look around at the US you’ll see we are actually doing pretty well. Not to say we don’t have our issues, because we have plenty of them. But long after you and I are gone the US model will prevail. Perhaps not as it has in previous centuries, because evolve or die applies, but it will persist because it offers the human spirit the best possible chance to soar.
In your world all is black and something south of Orwellian. In my world the sun comes out each day brings with it the opportunity to reach for new heights. In your world messages of dread and preparation for the “end of times” seek to dampen the human spirit and drum-down the psyche. In my world the messages are of hope and aspiration to lift everyone toward the future.
So umair….I’m not sure what drives you to generate your steady stream of negative propaganda, but I am happy to say that, in my country anyway, it is your right to do so, and I, as well as many others, will vigorously defend that right on your behalf.