Everything that went on in the past brought to this point. Blame it whomever you like, it will not change the situation. The real problem is a flaw in global metabolism programming. Too many entities and activities give off too much methane gas. Essentially every thing that eats anything else gives off methane gas as an end product. Certainly cows (ruminators) give off plenty, but the biggest contributors of global methane load are things like natural biological decay in jungles, forests, wetlands and critters like termites. This has been true since life-day one. The programming flaw is over reliance on one common end product of digestion / degradation / decay …methane….CH4.
But methane is power-full stuff and we’re just wasting it. We worry about capturing CO2, but ton for ton methane is 30 times the green house gas problem. So, the answer, or at least part of it would be to capture methane. Hard to do in the wild, but easier in industrial situations such as sewage treatment facilities. It would seem plausible to capture methane in such bio-dense activities as dairies. Cows could wear rectal valves that capture the methane rather than just release it to the environment. People could wear PMC (personal methane capture) clothing.…..I’m not kidding. There are technological answers we have not even begun to discuss. Whatever the case though, blaming history for the present is pointless, and will always be, even in the future.