3 min readJun 23, 2020


Hello Aroshi. I read your pace with interest. Living in the Almaden Valley, and the South Bay for more than 65 years, I have a perspective that is quite different than most residents.

I too think that the George Floyd murder was horrific and that the police officers involved, all 4, must pay a price for their actions. They have no alibi.

I am a bit of a realist however when it comes to assigning blame. I can see from your word choices that you have been reading or learning through a narrow oculus. For example, you make the statement in (ii) Bad Training...."As long as the trigger happy police use "deadly force" indiscriminately..." There is no evidence that the vast majority of police officers are "trigger happy" or "use deadly force indiscriminately. I wonder who told you that. In an average year police / public contact occurs something like 60 million times. Only a tiny number of those contacts resulted in any sort of physical confrontation. Those were 2015 numbers from the Bureau of Justice Statistics website. In fact, evidence shows that most cops, no matter what their jurisdiction of assignment, will never fire their firearm in the line of duty. 85% never draw their weapon at all. Of those officers that do fire their weapons, the vast majority fire only once, and only an infinitesimally small number fire more than twice. In all of those cases, across all law enforcement agencies, (local, state, federal) of those that fired their weapon less than 0.002% resulted in death of the suspect.

I am not trying to suggest that we do not need to work on reforming some aspects of policing in some cities, including the power of unions. But the little farming town in far northern California does not need the same attention that a city like Minneapolis would seem to need. What I am pointing out is that it is easy to get caught up in the the inflammatory rhetoric of the moment and lose sight of reality.

You state that as Gen Z that it is "only a question of time until you are targeted by the system and the institutionalized racism prevalent in the country'. I wondered why you would feel that way. I don't know what "color" you are, but I know that Almaden is a community of many colors, many languages and many beliefs. I know that unless you engage in some sort of criminal activity the chance of you being targeted by the local police is essentially non-existent. The system will actually provide you with opportunity and the safety, security, law and order to pursue it.

In the 1960's i was an anti-war protester. My fiends and I walked in candle light vigils and stood our ground for our cause. I remember the extreme, and in retrospect unlikely, if not nonsensical claims being tossed around as fact at the time. I remember repeating some of what I later learned was propaganda; a tiny amount of truth mutated into a big lie. Those were emotional times. My friends were being sent to Viet Nam to die.

Don't get me wrong Aroshi. I am not against your protests. In fact I applaud them. But real protests can only result in real change if they are based on a foundation of real evidence. Overstating reality only serves to disengage the rational mind when it stops to think it through.





Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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