Hey Lefty!!! Their deaths are on you!
I am not sure how to get the attention of the leftist deniers about the chaos in places like Chicago, New York, Portland, Seattle….(blank) enter the Democrat-led city of your choice. These people are so wrapped up in their hate for Donald Trump that they are willing, and in deed eager to condone the killing of small children. Think about that for a moment. What sort of sick puppies are OK with those sorts of tragedies? Well, in case you don’t realize it, it’s the far-left Marxist Democrats that seem to own the party these days and the rest of them that are too afraid to speak up.
Read their names!
Sincere Gaston, age 1. Mekti James, age 3. Lena Nunez, age 10. Natalia Wallace, age 7. Amaria Jones, age 13. Charles Riley, age 16. Ja-Sean Francis, age 17.
That is just a partial list of children killed in Chicago in the last few weeks. Think about that! Think about those families. Think about their excruciating heart-ache. Violence is not a new thing to Chicago, but this level is sickening, even by Chicago standards. This most recent explosion of violence, that has caused these tragic losses of young lives, has been going on for weeks. All the while the Mayor, Lori Lightfoot, has been unable or unwilling to do anything to quell it; even a little bit. But what’s even worse is that she and her Democrat cronies across the country and throughout liberal media don’t want Trump coming to the rescue; which he is willing and able to do. That would be too much like giving him a win, and that can’t happen, even if it is costing the lives of innocent children.
So here’s a note for all of you lefties who think killing kids is OK as long as Trump doesn’t get re-elected. Look in the mirror next time you have the guts and ask the person you see there when they contracted this disease that has them bedding down with monsters. When did that moral mutation occur that causes you to celebrate this violence, those deaths, these tragedies? Because you are complicit in them; if not by your actions, by your silence. This is a simple situation. You are either for this violence and the death of these children or you are against it. There is no gray area here. It is not something you can spin into some form of cover. You are either against these murderers and their actions, or you are with those murderers and their carnage. So look in the mirror!!! Seriously! LOOK IN THE MIRROR!
Me, I’m of two minds about what Trump should do. One says he should just sit back and let these leftist cities degenerate into the pure chaos and lawlessness they are headed toward. It would serve them right. The other is that America, and thus our President, can not just sit by and let a few thousand murdering thugs and misguided sicko’s destroy the lives and livelihoods of 10’s of millions of law abiding citizens. They deserve better.
In the end I think I would choose the second option. If I were in Trumps shoes I would drag Lori and her ilk in front of mass media spotlights and tell them to get the hell out of the way. I’d bypass the Mayor completely and deputize the entire Chicago Police Force as part of a national action to reclaim the streets of Chicago for the law abiding and incarcerate the perpetrators of of these crimes. And as these would now become federal crimes, jail time would be without question. No free passes back to the streets from any liberal lunatic judges or demented DA’s. Do the crime, do the time!
So it’s really simple! You are either for law and order or you are for the murderers of these children. As I said before, there is no gray area here in which you can hide!