Hey Robert. It's Mr. Shoes. I read this and look at that old Chaplin piece. He was a great actor with fine comedic sensibilities.
Anyway, I don't see what you are trying to convey. All "politicians" lie. Perhaps George never did, but no one knows for sure. The legend of George says he didn't though. Since then however all politicians have lied. It can be as simple as promising free college for everyone, knowing that it will never happen because of political opposition or funding impossibilities. Whatever it is, politicians know they can lie about what they will achieve because they have a built-in excuse for their failure, the guys on the other side of the aisle. Then there are the more direct lies like "I did not have sex with that woman!".
I know you hate Trump, and that's OK. But I will give you another perspective. The moderate, centrist and conservative mass of the population sees what the far left is up to as destroying America as they know it. It is not they that seek to tear down our monuments and rewrite our history, or defund our police, or burn our cities, or kill innocents shop keepers. It is the far Left. It is not they that attack others simply because they have a different opinion of what's right. It is not they that burn the flag or rampage through the streets. It is the far Left. They see
Trump, warts and all, as more likely to preserve the America they know than Biden / Harris Bernie / AOC and the like, who will burn the country if they don't get their way.
I can juxtapose Chaplin's words and point at Biden and company as easily as you can point at Trump. That is easy to do. All I need to do is look at the message though politically-tinted glasses. I can filter it any way I like and have it still make some sense to someone.