Hi Alexei. Having been reading you for a while now I know you are conflicted by the atrocity that is Russia's slaughtering of Ukraine. I like you for voicing that...amongst other things. But just thinking about what Russia(n's) is/are doing there makes me nauseus...and I'm not Russian.
I think you miss the point about the Wimbledon ban on Russian athletes competing. It is not about the athletes...it's about the monster(s) the Russian people have put in power. I know the validity of the "elections" that gave Putin his chair are questionable. But that's no excuse. He still got a (surprisingly) large affirming percentage of Russians that voted...thus they are responsible for his actions...all of them! Including the Athletes, however victimize they might want the rest of the world to think they are. Putin is in power because the Russian people put him there. 100's, perhaps 1,000's of innocent civilian people, children and elderly included , have been killed, 100's of thousands have had their homes destroyed and millions have been displaced. All because Russians gave a maniac the keys to their nuclear stock pile. Russians did that Alexei. Russians. So it's on them. All of them. Allowing their "athletes" to compete and have them enjoy even a moment of national pride is unacceptable. Until Putin is seperated from the oxygen supply, or they withdraw and start paying to rebuild Ukraine, Russia should be dead on the all of the stages of the free world.
PS: What pisses me off the most is that the USTA didn't have the values and principles...and guts...to do the same as Wimbledon. IMO it is sick that they are allowing any Russian to compete. That act of allowance alone gives too much joy to the people who are behind the mass graves of Ukraine. So I called the USTA and voiced my outrage. They didn't seem to care. So I called, texted and emailed their sponsors and key figures such as the McEnroes, Chrissy and Martina, just to make sure they understand that allowing Russians to compete in the US freakin' OPEN makes them forever complicit in the ongoing death and destruction of Ukraine and it's people.
Sorry if I offended you Alexei.