Hi Robert. Let me see. You can call me Mr. Shoes if you like. I've been around for quite awhile. Over my decades I've seen much of the word; 50-60 countries perhaps. Most of that time I was working with governmental health agencies; often doing clinical trials or pressing for regulatory reform. I do not have a PhD in Psychology, but I did a bit of study at MIT.
I was around when Orwell published 1984 but did not read it until several years later, along with Animal Farm, Coming Up for Air, as well as Huxley, Bradbury, Salinger, Heller and the like. Too many to count.
I choose to use an alias in Medium because I am well-known enough to want to avoid the attention.
I did not intend to offend you, but rather to point out that as you have some credential in Medium many might read 'After the Election Leaves Us' and feel it to be a true representation of things to come rather than positional speculation. As you and I both know, reality is created in the brain based on prior knowledge and experience and the influence of information sent to it by our eyes and ears. Eventually reality becomes what your brain expects to see. My point in my comment related to the "lies" you speak of in your piece, or rather the perception thereof. When does powerfully stated, politically biased speculation take on the same cloak as lies to the unsuspecting mind?