Hi Toni. I did not seek to defend Trump with my message. I only sought to highlight the politics of the appearance of outrage. It is easy to be outraged about Trump and some of his actions. So be it. However, it is not so easy to do so for Kavanaugh, yet the left hopped on the Ford side of the courtroom and proclaimed he needed to be investigated top to bottom and inside out, in spite of the fact that the accuser had only sketchy memories of what had happened many decades ago, and essentially no corroborating witnesses . Now Biden is accused and the same group that assailed Kavanaugh has essentially nothing to say about Biden, even though Reade seems to have a more clear recollection and some corroborating witnesses. But even that is not my point. My point is that if you are going to believe one you must believe the other. Outrage should be outrage. I can’t help but feel that had this been a Conservative political figure the uproar from the left would be deafening.
So, again, this is not a Trump thing, even though you might want to try to slant it that way. This is a Kavanaugh / Biden thing. One was asking to be a Supreme Court Justice, the other is asking to be the most powerful person in the world. Both deserve the same level of scrutiny and “inspection”. So far, Biden has been given a pass.