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Hunter lost his laptop and Joe lost his mind.

3 min readOct 22, 2020

So, we’re in the middle of a rather nasty fight over who should lead the country. The key word in that sentence being “lead”. Being the POTUS is not easy. It is filled with stress and 20 hour days. It is physically and mentally challenging beyond anything most people can fathom. You only need look at the before and after pictures of past Presidents to see the toll it takes on even the youngest and healthiest.

Now, I would think we want to see a pretty sharp mind and strong work ethic from anyone wanting to be the leader of the free world. Many people have issues with Mr. Trump, his tweets and his often brash bearing; but you can’t say he’s not sharp or that he doesn’t have a strong work ethic. Biden on the other hand is more than suspect on both of those fronts. He often closes up shop for the day before lunch. But even more concerning is the loss of his mental / cognitive faculties. It is glaringly apparent that he does not have the mental capacity needed to be POTUS. You can argue that all you want, but the evidence is overwhelming. One glaring example is from his press conference on September 10th of this year. Here’s a link, take a look.

Now, this might be no big deal if it were a one off, or even a rare event, but something like this happens to Joe all the time. He doesn’t know what he’s saying, and he doesn’t know he doesn’t know. He made no attempt to restate or ask pardon for misspeaking at the above event. He didn’t even know he misspoke. WOW!! And he wants to be POTUS?

And then there’s the lap top. The oh so controversial lap top. Some will tell you it’s a Russian hack job. Others will tell you it is a fake, dropped just to distract people right before the election. It is interesting though that so much “Hunter” stuff seems to be on it. Private pictures, private notes to family members, business messages with people Joe claims to have never had contact with even though there’s a group photo that sorta suggests that’s not true. Maybe the Big Guy forgot. That’s it, he just forgot. It’s also interesting that no one seems to be denying that it’s Hunters.

Now we have corroboration. People listed in those emails have been contacted and confirmed they are real. Then there is Hunter’s ex-business partner, Tony Bobulinski, who not only says the emails are true and accurate, but blows the whistle on Joe’s lie about not knowing or being involved with Hunters business dealings. The evidence suggests he was deeply involved and targeted to get a good chunk of money. Time will tell if he gets caught for it or not.

Reality is that Joe Biden was once a pretty slick operator over his many decades on the government payroll. You know, the “well son of a bitch, he got fired” Joe. Bragging about a QPQ. Amazing! But all that seems to be catching up with him. Too much of the varnish has come off. The Teflon has warn so thin the eggs stick to the frying pan.

But perhaps most importantly, Joe is never completely present and accounted for. Maybe not a crisis situation for your sweet old grandpa, but way to much for anyone planning to be the most powerful person in the world. But just maybe the plan was never to let Joes actually drive the ship. That his handlers would “handle” all that. It has also not been lost on the world that Nancy’s actions relative tot he 25th amendment are quite probably targeted at Joe. It would not seem to be too hard to make a case that he is too cognitively compromised to lead the country. Just maybe it is the Harris/Biden ticket after all.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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