I agree Viorel...Estonia is a wonder full place. The capital, Tallinn, is a great visit, especially in the old city inside the walls. The flower markets at the entrance are stunning.
I first went there shortly after they gained their freedon from their old Soviet occupiers. The place was very "eastern block"; poor infrastructure, sad but hopeful people, and personal safety was something to take seriously.
I remember making a presentation in one of the old Communist party meeting halls. The place was saturated in the smell and feeling of old authoratative communism. As an American talking about free enterprise the irony was not lost.
I visited several times after that and was taken by how quickly the Estonians recovered from Soviet rule. They were powerfully focused and motivated in their quest to join the real world of free people. In just the first year they made great strides to getting the place "cleaned up". New hotels, new streets and highways, a bigger, better airport. Five years later it was a completely different place.
Today Estonia is a jewel in the Baltic Sea. Just across the Gulf of Finland from Helsinki, the boat trip between the two cities (when the weather is good) is a quick and exhilarating little adventure.
A trip I will long remember.