I am so pissed off about what they did to George Floyd that I’m going to go steal me some Gucci purses!!!
My heart aches for George Floyd , his family, his community, people of color and our nation. There is no place for police brutality in our society and NO justification for the actions of the Minneapolis Police involved in his death. Why they are all not behind bars is unexplainable.
Protests of the crime against Mr. Floyd are completely justified and in fact needed. Cities like Minneapolis need to be held accountable for their police personnel. Bad cops like Derek Chauvin, and those who stood by and watched, need to be purged from the law enforcement gene pool.
Looting and burning are not protest however, but rather crimes of opportunity perpetrated by those who seek to take advantage of this tragic moment to somehow load their pockets with ill-gotten “rewards”. They are not doing this is the name of George Floyd (though they may try to tell you otherwise) they are doing it for themselves. How does the guy fleeing the Gucci store with 15 hand bags realistically relate to Mr. Floyd death? It doesn’t. There is no connection. It is simply a crime of opportunity perpetrated by thugs.
That old saying “crooks do the dumbest things” is blatantly apparent in the actions of the store looters and burners of the past several days. Think about what we saw on hundreds of media channels and platforms. People breaking into stores, terrorizing owners and employees, grabbing huge arm loads of other peoples property and loading it into their cars or trucks. Hauling off garbage bags full of their stolen prizes and returning to repeat the process. All the while video cameras, from media, law enforcement, private mobile devises live on platforms like Facebook and security systems recorded their actions, capture their smiling faces, their vehicle license plates and even their voices. When the dust settles, law enforcement will begin to sift through all that “evidence” and identify the perpetrators. You know who you are, and they will be coming for you, with a bag full of unequivocal evidence of your wrong doing. To say the least, you are in deep shit, even if you can’t smell it quite yet.
And this is how it should be. Those who chose to dishonor Mr. Floyd and all the other such victims of police brutality and try to capitalize on this sad moment for themselves need to be separated from those who protested in his honor…. and held accountable. Reality is that they have done great harm to the cause for change and only shown the world why a strong and powerful police force is needed. They are thugs and need to be separated from civil society.