I love it the way you have this habit of stretching reality Lauren.
You start right away saying that Trump cost "hundreds of thousands of lives". If you are as good a writer as I think you are, you know that is a completely disingenuous statement. As of 1 Oct the US total was 211,740. There is no reasonable way they can all be put on Trump. We would have had many deaths from this horrible virus no matter who called the shots...and likely more than this had Biden been in charge. He very likely would not have banned China travel or European travel as early as Trump. (That's what Joe was saying at the time anyway.) Of these 211,740 fully 33,153 (more than 15% of the US total came from New York. I seem to remember Cuomo calling the shots there.
I won't go into the falsehood, fabrications or distortions of the truth in the rest of your story. I will agree with the concern shown in your headline however. The "Then What" scares the crap out of me. Not because of conservative ideologies, but because of the Marxist / Socialist tendencies that dominate the left. We do not live in the most free, most prosperous country in the world (warts and all) because we caved in to Marxist / Communist / Socialist ideologies. Quite the contrary, we stood up to them, which has a lot to do with your agility to write and speak freely in this medium, and pretty much anywhere you choose. Try that in China, or the old USSR, or North Korea, or Iran and you will likely be in big trouble. Such freedom as we enjoy did not come free.