I take great exception to your attempt at justifying the looting, burning, assault and murder that occurred and continues to occur in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. Like so many you seem to be saying that any level of any kind of destruction of property and livelihood, and assault on individuals...including beatings and murders of innocent of every color is to be accepted. That is SICK Joe! And I mean sick in all the sickest ways.
I'm white. I spent a part of my childhood as nearly the only white kid in my grammar school in 1950's Oakland, California. I remember being fearful of getting to and from school. I remember being hose whipped by some of the older black kids when I would run home after school. I have a perspective of minority-hood that few have. Those events burned memories into my psyche, not because of the black kids that tried to whip me, but rather because of the other black kids that tried to save me from it. That life lesson taught me that it is not about the color of ones skin, but rather what is in their heart.
So, I ask you Joe. What is in the hearts of these looters and burners and rioters and thieves. Are they doing these dastardly deeds in the name of George Floyd? Are they stealing bags full of Gucci purses because it's going to some how make the tragedy of his death more valid? Are they burning local mom and pop businesses and beating up the proprietors because it will somehow bring George honor and peace? I don't think so Joe. I think they are simply acting with criminal intent because they see the opportunity to do so. What other reason could their be for backing your nice, new $65,000 Chevrolet pickup to the back door of the local Minneapolis liquor store and loading it full of stolen booze in the midst of a riot? Come on Joe. Crime is crime!
All that said, I agree that some serious police reform is needed, particularly so in some parts of the country, and especially as it relates to our black citizens. I have and will continue to protest the sort of abhorrent behavior exhibited by Derek Chauvin and his ilk. He should have been purged from the law enforcement gene pool years ago. But when the safety, security, homes and lives of innocent people are assaulted as we have seen across our country, you lose me... and likely the vast majority of law abiding American citizens.