I think I’ve been reading you since your earliest Medium writings Alexis. It seems your life was quite different then. Not without its trials and tribulations (many courtesy of the Moscow Maniac) but I felt you were energized by the events and opportunities of your life. Along the way you both embraced and lamented your bicoastal lifestyle. But you seemed positive about it all.
I don’t know where your life is of late. Seems it’s gotten seriously more complicated. In my own experience, type A overachievers like me, and as I perceive you to be, tend to accumulate responsibilities. For family, friends, business, financial obligations, personal goals, social commitments. The “load” can become overwhelming. That occurred for me a few times and I found a solution that allowed me to reclaim control. I SIMPLIFIED my life. I did an audit and dialed down everything that wasn’t essential. Reorganized my calendar, off loaded so financial pressure, pulled back from business and social commitments as much as possible. It took a little while, but it felt liberating to reclaim as many parts of my life as I could.
Not sure this will be helpful. I enjoy you writing though and hope you find your solution(s).