2 min readJul 24, 2020


I won't even take the time to read this past the first couple of paragraphs as I know it will only waste my time as you go through the same leftist BS that populates all such articles.

Here’s the deal Eric! Spin it like you want, but the underlying reality is that the "protesters" as you call them are violently and aggressively trying to attack and destroy a Federal courthouse and threaten and intimidate federal workers. (This was going on a long time before the Federal agents showed up to defend it.) In your world that might not be a crime, but in the real civil world it is and must be stopped. The Mayor of Portland has been inept at best and complicit a least. Because the crowd knows that is true they treated him with the disrespect he has earned when he went to talk with the monkeys.

I know how you lefty literazzi like to use fear-instilling language to push your agenda, so I'll use some of your own words to describe Portland for you ...'stinking, uncivil, spiteful, deranged, unfathomably un-American atrocities are being committed by a bunch of deranged individuals..." Your choice of words almost live up to your Peabody-ness, but they more accurately describe the actions of the rioters than those that seek to protect us all from them.

Final thought Eric; Either you are for law and order and the rule of law, or you are against it. It’s that simple. There are no mitigating circumstances to modify it. There is not "good reason" to try to qualify your position. Either you are for it or you are against it. If the former, your article does nothing to support that. If the latter, you are much more a part of the problem than the solution. But perhaps I misjudge you Eric. Perhaps arriving at a solution is not your goal, but rather just to use all this as an opportunity to rant your rant, and maybe get another Peabody, no matter what it costs.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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