It’s time for Twitter to go!

2 min readOct 30, 2020


Twitter has been in the headlines often these last few weeks, and rightfully so. By censoring or blocking the speech of individual citizens and media outlets they have violated our freedom of speech that is conveyed to all Americans in the first amendment to the Constitution. They have put themselves in charge of what is right and what is wrong, what you should see or hear and what you shouldn’t. That is an egregious and unforgivable crime against all Americans and it is time they were held accountable. Listening to Jack Dorsey speaking at the Senate Commerce Committee hearing about that reality recently sealed the deal. The guys doesn’t care about the first amendment or any other rights provided to us under the constitution. He came off pompous and arrogant and his pleadings of not knowing what his company is doing to the election is disingenuous, if not conspiratorial.

So, it’s time to take action to help him and his minions understand what freedom of speech really means and show they do not have the right to censor anyone. Their platform is a freaking public utility and needs to be treated accordingly. If citizens can sue PG&E they should certainly be able to sue Twitter. So, let’s make an example out of Twitter for the rest of the tech industry who seeks to bias information in favor of their political or religious leanings and take away their Section 230 protection.

There is plenty of evidence they are in violation of S230. Case in point is the demand that Dorsey (Twitter), Zuckerberg (FB) and Pichai (Alphabet) be compelled to appear for questioning about their censoring practices. If you listed to that event you heard a lot of excuses and no real answers. This is not the first time they have said how “sorry” they are about the mess they have created. They speak of cleaning it up, of getting better, but they never do. In fact, evidence suggests they have only gotten worse. So, the timing is right, and desperately needed for our government to take action. And surprisingly, both Democrats and Republicans agree there is a problem and action is needed to fix it now.

As I said above, making an example out of Twitter would seem a smart place to start. Take away their Section 230 protections and let the people and the companies they abuse and censor and “cancel” have at them. Maybe, just maybe then they will appreciate that they too must live by the rules and protections of the Constitution. They have ZERO right to censorship.

Me, I killed my Twitter account years ago.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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