Jessica, it’s politics not principles!
I can see you assume that all men who might have something to say in support of Tara Reade are new arrivals to the issue and did not feel the same about other victims of sexual assault. Isn’t that hugely presumptuous, even for you. CBF needed to be heard, and she was. Reade needs to be heard, but that has yet to happen. We’ll see.
The real story here is not about the two-faced males or two-faced females. The real story is about where the political righteousness that assailed Kavanaugh has disappeared to relative to Biden. Where are all the #metoo’s? Where are all the Hollywood celebs and politically elite women? Where are all the left-wing media stories and voices digging in to the seams and shadows of his background? It’s called duck and cover. They just cant seem to feel as righteously indignant about the horribleness of the charge when it’s against their guy. That would be alarming if it weren’t so expected. It’s politics not principles that are involved here. Another one of those inconvenient truths.