Joe Biden is a arrogant old gas-bag.
His recent statement that voters “don’t deserve to know” his position on Supreme Court packing, or who his Supreme Court nominees might be, or killing the electoral college, or any of the many other far left Marxist threats against the fabric of our country should cause any and every American voter to realize he is hiding some terrible and devious plans in his real agenda. He does not want us to know because he knows too many people will turn and run the other way. He knows he can not get elected if he tells those truths. He is exhibiting the sick behavior of a addled mouth piece being manipulated by forces in the shadows. You can see it in his demeanor. His tendency to get all huffy and puffy and blustery is testament to his need to hide what he thinks,…or is being told to think. There is no defense for him to claim that voters don’t deserve to know his intentions. That is beyond stupid. We vote for people because we believe in what they believe; in their intentions. Once again the left proves that theirs beliefs are devious and of convenience, not conviction and they seek to hide that from us. I call bullshit!