Lunacy on the Left!

2 min readNov 8, 2022


Opinion: I’ve been watching the midterm election run up for some time now, spreading by input between the NYT, CNBC, Local news and Fox. The messaging coming out of the Left as they look at the likelihood of getting solidly trounced would be laughable if it were not so sad. Their claim is that if they lose Democracy will be lost, but it they win democracy will be just fine. What?

Let me understand. When Americans engage in one of the foundational activities of a functional Democracy, voting, democracy is at risk. So the thing that makes a Democracy a Democracy is only good and valid if their side wins. If their opponent wins it’s democracy’s death sentence. What a load of crap.

I was never much of an Obama fan. I thought he was a fine communicator and a reasonably truthful and intelligent fellow. Something I could respect. But his speeches on the campaign trail this passed weekend made me question those feelings. He ran around stating that Democracy was at risk in this election. Driving his point home in the god, paced and punctuated Obama style. If the Democrats don’t win Democracy is dead he said. The sad thing here is that he knows he’s lying. He knows he is REALLY stretching any thing that even begins to resembles the truth to make that statement. But he, like the Democrat party, is desperate and desperate people will say anything; especially politicians.

What’s similarly laughable is all the leftist talking heads running their mouths about the same fallacy on cable and stream. You can see them competing with each other for the sound bite of the day award. Pressing the envelope just a little more than the other guy. Looking to be just a little bit more controversial. Getting all pumped up and glorified! But then that’s their CV. That’s all they got. How much crazy shit can they concoct without being held accountable for anything?

Democracy means you lose some….and you win some.

The Leftist idea that the actions of the population engaging in the democratic activity of voting somehow puts that democracy at risk is testament to their childishness. If they can’t win they don’t want to play! If Democracy is failing as they suggest then it should fail whether they win or lose. But it won’t fail because it is not failing. The only thing failing is the Democrat agenda and it looks like millions of Americans are going to point that out to them.

Here's my takeaway, for both parties. The people will speak tomorrow and tell us what they think and what they want us to with their country. That is Democracy at it’s best and strongest. I suggest if you don’t like that you are free to leave.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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