Mia. As you seem to have invited yourself into the room already, I think I’ll respond.
There are a surprising number of people with Piteo-Tarpy as their last name. If you mean Tyler, I agree with his logic that removing the police is the worst way to prevent violence. The absence of policing will cause an explosion of violence. It always has and it always will. There are too many bad people in the world. For example, there is no reason to believe that the Mexican drug cartels will suddenly become good guys just because we ask them to.
Reforming policing practices, as they did in Camden, New Jersey, offers promise for needed change. That is the intelligent course.
Finally, I can see you did not have your livelihood destroyed, business burned or property stolen during the recent riots. I also imagine that you were not assaulted, beaten, molested or murdered. The numbers behind those realities are horrible, but they would only have been much worse without a police presence to contain it. It could / would have been much worse without them.
If you want out of the room the door is unlocked.