Muddle-headed Biden is too cognitively compromised to serve!
In order to serve in most positions of power many people need to display the cognitive capacity and intellectual stability needed to fulfill that position. Doctors have to continually show their capability and skill, accumulating continuing education credits, re-qualifying for their board certification, facing regular scrutiny and testing. Airline pilots are the same. They have to continue to book flight time and must pass a biennial flight review (BFR) every two years. Long haul truck drivers have to pass a yearly physical exam to prove they are healthy enough to do their job. Even ferry boat operators, law enforcement operators and firefighters all must pass psychological competency testing.
Of all the jobs in the world, the being the US President is very likely the most demanding. As such, obvious outward signs of cognitive compromise or mental incapacity should be huge red flags regarding anyone’s intent to run for that office. It only make sense that if such signs of cognitive struggles occur the country should demand a mental competency test be performed.
For anyone paying even a tiny bit of attention to Joe Biden, the signs should be obvious. The old man is cognitively impaired! His endless stream of gaffs are already legendary and he hasn’t had to have a single challenging day confront him; let alone a debate. Take away his teleprompter and he can't seem to string a continuous stream of consciousness on any given topic. I won’t go to the trouble of listing his moments of cognitive collapse here. They are easy enough to find in any of our multiple media sources. Just type “Biden’s gaffs” into the search bar and they are all right there. My point is that he should be tested. The signs are too plentiful to just blow it off.
Now, the Democrats don’t want that to happen for multiple reasons; not the least of which is he would probably fail. More importantly, they would probably prefer to have him win the Presidency and then, after some amount of time deemed socially appropriate, have him declared incompetent and put their VP into the Presidents seat. This probably sounds far fetched, but there have to be reasons why the Democrats would put up a guy they know is struggling to keep a grasp on reality. We all get old and forget where we put our keys, our neighbors name,or what we went to the garage for. But not all of us are asking to be the most powerful person in the country; to act as the mind and voice of our citizens. Politics and ideology aside, whoever is in that chair cannot be muddle-headed, even for a moment…and Bide has definitely shown signs of being muddle-headed on more than one occasion.
I’m sure there will be many who would tell me I’m crazy (I’m willing to be tested), but that still would not negate all the evidence of Joe’s mental challenges. That evidence is plentiful enough and strong enough that it should only be neutralized by having him tested and confirming one way or the other.