2 min readJul 6, 2019


My sense is that the folks Devon Price, and others he references, cast as victims of conservative thinking are actually not that at all. To the liberal mindset these days step one seems always to be finding victim-hood for everyone. This piece is an example. In it, he/she/it (not sure of non-binary correctness) makes himself/herself/itself a victim of liberal beliefs by first portraying certain family or friends as victims of FoxNews. My guess is though that they do not see themselves as such. FoxNews exists because “mainstream” media has abandoned including conservative principles and ideologies in their coverage. They cover and present stories, news or otherwise, from a decidedly liberal perspective, often not bothering to even consider any alternative view. That sort of bias, invisible perhaps to the left that thrives on it, is obvious to the conservative mind hungry for someone to speak up for them.

For millions of Americans, FoxNews is sanctuary from the liberal media onslaught that devalues our country and tries to cast nearly everything about us in bile-ish negativity. Everyone and everything are fair game for them. Our founding fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are vilified for being slave owners in an attempt to obliterate, or at least taint everything positive they achieved. Our borders, that define not just our geographical perimeters but the cultural and societal domain for the American ideals that millions have fought and died for are disregarded, disrespected and just plain dissed. Our police officers and law enforcement professionals are too often cast as public adversaries rather than the protectors and defenders the vast majority endeavor to be every day of their lives. The rule of law is trampled by even high level, left-leaning “leadership” who choose to disregard or opening defy laws just because they get in the way of their leftist game plan. To the conservative mind illegal is illegal. To the liberal mind illegal is inconvenient, in the way, or to be ignored.

When you see your beliefs about your country, and it’s citizens being trashed by far left-leaning socialists, you look for sanctuary. When you see law enforcement forced to sit on the sidelines while the masked, leftist gangsters like Antifa violently attack anyone with an alternative voice you cry inwardly with anguish. When you hear voices like AO-C who spew nothing but rage and contempt for a country you have held in your heart all your life you seek solace. For millions of Americans FoxNews is their only choice.

While some might ask what happened to make their parents or friends wax so conservative, others of us ask what happened to America to drive so many liberals to distain it so much. Perhaps we are all just victims of the polarity screamed by a few voices on the extreme left and right, amplified by headline addicted media in the 24/7 news cycle onslaught.

“Ooh, a storm is threat’ning, my very life today. If I don’t get some shelter, ooh yeah, I’m gonna fade away.” Mick Jagger & Keith Richards




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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