New York “Toilet Paper” Times
I like Sean Hannity. I often agree with his take on things. He has pretty good radar for emerging events and political situations; getting the call right more often than wrong. But I think he may be wrong about the New York Toilet Paper Times. I don’t think that moniker is appropriate. That once glorious newspaper isn’t even good enough for the toilet these days. I think it should be the New York “Bird Cage Liner” Times. Or maybe the New York “Pig Sty Insulator” Times.
Whatever has happened to the Times they brought on themselves. You can’t go around masquerading as an unbiased chronicler of the news while behaving like a left-wing Marxist propaganda sheet. Their whole staff (hole staff?) is a bunch of liberal hacks. Journalism there is a thing of the distant past. Winning a Pulitzer prize based upon a lie makes the prize a lie; by the way. The whole place is an incestuous circle jerk of backslapping, fist pumping mutual cajolity.
Then again, the NYT is emblematic of NYC. In its own way the newspaper is a reflection of the sickness that pervades the city’s governmental bozocracy. Di Blasio is driving the clown car into the ditch, to the point where good people are fleeing. The city is like a circus tent in a wind storm as the roof collapses in on the center ring. I mean honestly, can you think of anything Di Blasio or his cronies have done well? Done fairly well? Done without harming anyone? I can’t. I’m not sure how he ever got into the Mayors chair in the first place. His skill set looks to be limited to quiet times on the park bench. Anything more demanding of leadership is over his head. The sad news here is that the vast majority of people of New York are fine people; and deserve better.
But I guess I will defer to Sean and go with the New York “Toilet Paper” Times moniker. After all he lives there and has a much better view than most. Though I hear he is looking to escape from New York. Maybe he should talk to Kurt Russel, he has some past experience with a need to escape that city.