OK Alexei. There’s room for everyone to have an opinion. I’m surprised by the apparent narrowness of your “Hate scale” though. HATE is supposed to be one end of a polar opposite view. Hate vs Love. From my perspective, from reading you since early on, there are many things in your life you might/could/should hate more than living in Florida. Also, compared to all the places in the world people might live, Florida would likely not be near the bottom. So oh poor you!
I’m not a Californian nor a Floridian, but to your comment about Florida public schools being mostly poor I offer some perspective. I know from you previous writings that you “ Love “ California. But if public schools are an important criteria in your love/hate balancing act, Florida public schools consistently score higher, often much higher, in the nations public school rankings than California.
All that said, I guess you have to write about something and I respect your right to do whatever you please.