Savanah Guthrie is a reflection of all that is sick in left wing media!!!
I watched Savanah Guthrie attack President Trump like some sort of deranged inquisitor. I’m surprised she wasn’t frothing at the mouth. She is apparently completely ignorant of the role a “moderator” is supposed to play in a “town hall”, and instead took on the role of attack dog; asking far more questions than all of the town hall participants combined. But all she ended up displaying , aside from the fact that she is a self-centered left-wing hack, is that Trump can handle anything and anyone. Personally I would have told her to shut the f… up and let me answer the question, but apparently the President is too much of a gentleman to do that.
The idea of a town hall is to give members of the community the opportunity to ask their questions and then for the President to respond. The fact that she would never let him finish is testament to that never being the their plan. The NBC left-wing propaganda machine never wanted to let him speak for fear that someone might hear a truth they don’t abide. In particular the MSNBC (MSDNC) crowd of talking heads; airbags everyone. But in the end, the shining example was that Trump was above all that. He did not get angry. He did not fall prey to their obvious attempts of baiting him into conflict. He stayed cool and handle it perfectly. This is especially true when you compare the walk in the park that Stephanopoulos hand to Joe Biden. No pressure. No baiting. No questions about anything sensitive….like Hunter’s laptop.
The takeaway from all this is that Trump is up to the challenge of the Presidency and Joe is not. That is so obvious that even the left wing news media machine acknowledges it through their softball approach to testing his knowledge, memory or capacity. He was never seriously challenged once. But being the President isn’t softball!!! It’s the hardest hardball that anyone will ever have to play. If you are looking for evidence that Biden is incapable of playing that kind of hard ball you need look no further than the way the left is treating him…a fragile old man who can get lost and flustered on a moment notice, lose his place in time and space, and tell you he’s your best choice for the Senate. Not the guy we want leading our country!