1 min readSep 21, 2022


So, Charles, after a good nothjgt sleep I assume you have a clear head. Can I assume that means you are fine with Biden shipping thousands of these "immigrants' all over the country in buses and on ariplanes under cover of the dark of night. No double standard there? Really?

And if you look around at where they went, how were those places chosen? It's enlightening that none of those 1000's of migrants went to anywhere near places like Martha's Vinyard. Why is that? They just show up in someone elses neighborhood, whether they want them or not, without any agreement form those folks. How is that OK?

At least DeSantis and Abbot have the guts to do it in broad day light. They weren't convertly smuggling them into American communities without the residents of those communities having a say in it.

The stink on this situation rests squarely on Biden and his enablers. No way to escape it.....but give it a try if you feel that you need to.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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