1 min readAug 11, 2022


So, Mr. Dean. (Interesting name.) A lot of speculation going on here. No one knows quite yet what documents or other objects of interest the FBI took away, or if they will rise to anything near dastardly tangible. Time will tell. Hopefully it is seriously significant stuff or the claim of weaponization will be substantiated beyond question. DOJ sanctioned fishing trips by the FBI are illegal.

Already you state that the contents from the raid will turn out to be shockingly incriminating. Perhaps, but that's likely wishful thinking. I remember some high up members of congress (surely you have not forgotten Adam Schiff) and other's "in the know" claiming that they had Trump by the short curlies, assuring that it will all be plain to see and then delivering essentially nothing. Mueller dug around long and hard for 2 years and came away with "Collusion? No! Obstruction? Maybe". That's pretty weak stuff.

From 4 years of going after this guy they come up with nothing? That suggests that either they are all monumentally incompetent or there was nothing there to find. Steele Dossier, Russian Collusion. Maybe in Melania's underwear drawer?

I hope they come up with something OMG shocking. If not, we should all duck and cover because Lady Justice has taken off her blind fold and she is coming for everyone.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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