2 min readMay 7, 2020

Spy drones in America! Are you good with that??

So, I saw a video made of a drone flying around somewhere over New Jersey screaming directives at people about their social distancing and other possibly anti-anti-Covid 19 disciplines. Aside from the fact that is is a perfect opening for a dystopian sci-fi drama I was shocked that it is somehow thought of as OK by some authoritarian mindsets. In fact, it is not. It is a huge desecration of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. No one, police included, is supposed to have the power to peek into your private areas, like your backyard, (or perhaps your bed room window) in an effort to snag you in some fishnet attempt to rule the masses without just cause. I’m not sure where in New Jersey this occurred, but you all ought to kick whoever your leadership is out on their ear. I get it that this is a very difficult challenge for our “leaders”, but they need to recognize that they serve their citizens not vice versa. To employ such Orwellian tactics, snooping on the innocent in search of the guilty, is about as un-American as it gets. What happened to the Land of the Free? Whoever in New Jersey is responsible for this should be immediately ejected from their position in government, and then watch carefully for the rest of their lives. It is apparent that they have no clear understanding of the Constitution and protections that document affords all Americans. Hopefully some one will form a class action suit against them and bring that sort of thinking to an end.


Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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