Suzanne. Read your byline. You might add slamming an entire class of citizens (OWG's) as one of your favorite things to do as too.
Let me shine for a moment.
Is there evidence that suggests that OWG's are angrier / more cranky than other age groups? You didn't cite any, so I will. Actually, NPR published on the topic in 2019; "Poll: Americans say we're angrier than a generation ago." I included the link below. In it you will see that OWG's are much less angry than their younger counterparts. Shine one for OWG's!
I'm not sure where you live, or why your OWG's might be so cranky, but I live in Texas and I find that the vast majority of OWG's (and OBG's, OHG's and OAG's for that matter) are kind and considerate to everyone, especially OWL's, OBL's, OHL's and OAL's.
I understand that you needed a story line for your story., and OWG's are an easy target. That's a Medium thing. It happens all the time on this platform. But I think that in slamming all OWG's because of the reported behavior of a few that apparently seem to think they own your bike trail, is a disservice to our society in general and and human relations in particular. Some would label your piece as ageism, others might call it sexism...or perhaps because you through in the "W", racism.
I am truly sorry that you and your fellow female trail riders (no matter what your age or race) are experiencing such egregious misbehavior from your OWG's. If I were you I'd consider exscaping to Texas.