Thank you Gwen. A crystal clear observation of politics in the USA. The "voice" of the majority of us is being shouted down by the voices of power-seeking few; both polar-left and polar-right. They use hyper-sensitive social issues to first pursue power and then gain and hold on to that power.
To gain such power they must offer to a reason for them to be given such power. On occasion it will be about the common good; infrastructure for example. Most of the time however it is a promise to protect you from some dire consequence or catastrophe. It is the politics of fear. Fear of the unknown...even if it is your neighbor.
These power-seekers love to play the role of a life saving Knight and protect you from "the Dragon" that you fear. If they appear to slay the Dragon they are given much power and praise. But, unless they find another Dragon for people to fear they may find themselves out of a job. As real Dragons in their realm may be in short supply they must either find more elsewhere or 'better yet, expand the definition and belief of what constitutes a Dragon and instill the prerequisite fear; for which of course you can provide protection.
Today's politics would have us believe that Dragons are everywhere around us, that we are never safe but rather are in mortal danger (Covid, China, Environment, the Constitution). Those intentionally polarizing messages are shouted at us so relentlessly that too many of us have come to think that is reality. That "noise" is further amplified by power-hungry media, in all forms, to the point that the voices of the things and beliefs that unite us are obliterated; no longer heard above the din of those that shout of Dragon-fear.