The VIEW is everything Democrat! Right?

3 min readAug 5, 2022

Actually, most Democrats are not at all like the members of The VIEW; at least not the ones I associate with in science, business or academia. But the 4 “personalities” that make up the cast of that show have grabbed being Democrat by the throat and are killing it. Does anyone in the right mind want to be like Joy Behar? Really? How terrible it must be for her to have to be so acidic and spiteful. Are most Democrats or even Liberals, that acidic and spiteful? None that I know; and I know a bunch.

Now, I get it that it’s a “show” and thus cannot be held to the usual behavioral accountability that real people in the real world must abide by. Decency is not in their script. Venomous, slanderous name calling is though. What’s up with that. Is all that rage and disdain for common courtesy just in the script or is that just their real personalities and mindsets showing through?

OMG I miss Barbara Walters!!!!

When Barbara created and launched the VIEW there was a real sense of TV journalism at it’s best. But then, Barbara was a real TV journalist. She had the cultural background and civilized, intellectual demeanor of someone who saw the many facets of any story and wanted to hear them. She asked tough questions, but treated the interviewee with respect and courtesy. I really miss that, not only on the VIEW but in journalism in general.

Behar, and fellow cast member Sonny Hoskins are more likely to through vile slurs at someone they disagree with than provide a platform for respectful discussion.

Would you want your daughter, mother, grandmother to behave like the VIEW?

Seriously, that’s a legitimate question. Would you want anyone in your family to behave like that day after day, month after month, year after year? Think that question through before you answer. What if everyone acted like Joy or Sonny? Name calling, reputation wrecking, spewing their noxious notions at the world nonstop?

I know the money is good; VERY GOOD! But how do you live with that? “MOM! Why did you say that?” “How can you treat people with such disrespect?” “You embarrass me; you embarrass the whole family!”

DeSantis team response to the VIEW: You’ve got to be f…ing kidding!

Recently The VIEW crew reached out to Ron DeSantis and asked if he wanted to come on their show. Now, to really understand the absurdity of that request you only need to hear the foul language that Behar and Hoskins have vomited at DeSantis repeatedly on the air for all America to see and hear.

Hoskins: “ I think he’s a fascist and a bigot!” Calling him “Death-Santis”.

Behar: “You’re just sort of calling him a negligent, homicidal sociopath because that’s what he is.”

Some real, classy journalism that.

The response from the DeSantis’ Deputy Press Secretary Bryan Griffin was piercingly clear; “We would be honored”…..“Which of the following statements from the hosts of the View do you recommend our team consider when deciding if the interview will be a genuine pursuit of the truth? Or worth the time?” Then listing the above and a few other examples for them to choose from.

No place for fairness!

DeSantis is right. Why would you want to walk into that? You already know it will not be a platform to discuss opposing views because The VIEW does not allow opposing views. It’s not called The VIEWS. It’s called the VIEW! Singular! And that “view” is tainted and possessed. Just slow the video down when they slammed DeSantis for his views. Look at the evil, snarling facial expressions that project their rage. Look at those squinting, glaring eyes. That’s not journalism, that’s personal animosity targeting another person’s beliefs just because they disagree.

That behavior, so common to The VIEW, is contaminating the world’s sense of what it means to be a Democrat; a Liberal. Hateful, disdain and name calling. Intellectual? Hardly! Respectful? Never! Journalism? You’ve got to be f…ing kidding me!

But that’s just my opinion. It’s a free country, you make up your own mind. But as you do….think about Barbara Walters and the class she showed during her tenure at the helm. Lightyears apart.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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