This is a good platform for discussion. Thank you.
In answer to your list of discussion topics.
1. Skateboarding is definitely a physical dependent sport. Riding the board and balance are basic, but duration of performance and execution some of the tricks is muscle mass dependent.
2. Yes, a transgender woman would have a biological advantage over a cis woman in this sport as in essentially all sports. Just look at the records.
3. Yes, inclusion of transgender hurts women's sports. What is the end game? If enough T-women were to compete statistics suggest that C-women would be eliminated.
4. No. Age should always be a factor in pursuit of a level field for competition; regardless of gender or gender identity.
5. Her statement about kids is inappropriate. It would be like LeBron James trumpeting over middle-schoolers.
6. Her inclusion in the event, whether she wins or not, only hurts trans people. Fairness is an ingrained thing in most people's sensibilities. The inherent sense of unfairness for trans-women competing against cis women casts a long shadow over all trans people.
7. This is no different that the UPenn / Lia Thompson situation. Males have a biological advantage over females when it comes to sport. They are, on average, taller, longer, stronger.
I assume that people like Lia Thompson and Ricci Tres have decided that they cannot compete with cis-males of their age, weight class, etc. and thus choose to try to do so against cis females. Their feeling being that if they cannot compete against cis-females they would be cut out of competition all together; and that would be somehow unfair. Perhaps then it is up to "Sports" to modify the playing field to accommodate trans / non-binary participation. It is already happening in some marathons. The classification and compliance would be quite simple and easy to check, chromosomes. XX, XY and "other".