3 min readMar 24, 2020

This Swamp Monster needs Vivisection!!

For a while now all of America has been waiting for Congress to act like their are supposed to and take action that is in the best interest of all Americans during this crisis. So far, sadly, all of the signs are pointing to their usual inability to do that job. There is no doubt however that some mutated “Frankensteinian” thing will be birthed from that womb of democracy, and we will have to live with it. That is the usual case, but these are not usual times.

It is important that we live with what comes out of this twisted process of these twisted DC minds because the country needs something to grasp onto as lives hang over the abyss of the unknown. However , it does not mean we have to forget how this thing came to be and who helped create it. Vivisection can be just the tool of transparency that is needed.

Websters defines vivisection as : “the cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation”. That definition is perfect for what needs to happen to whatever swamp-monster Congress finally releases on us. Thru vivisection we will be able to look at the components that make up this monster. We can analyze those pieces and determine their origin. With CRISPR-like precision we can expose its genetics and know who sewed them into the body of the beast. It is important that we know just exactly what we got and why we got it.

We all know what was supposed to happen, what this piece of legislation is supposed to do; put money in the pockets of families so they can survive this crisis, support and strengthen our first-line health care providers, support small businesses so they too survive, stabilize the engines of our economy so that there are jobs to go back to and the infrastructure needed to allow people to work those jobs. The list is pretty small and the needs are very apparent.

If, as is reported in various media, we find a whole bunch superfluous tissue that does not directly relate to the needs of this crisis, we need to know it’s origins and who was responsible for demanding they be part of this monster. Those individual elements need to be clearly displayed on this vivisectionists table for all Americans to see, and the owners of those mutations need to be held accountable, no matter which side of the aisle they conspired from.

There will be a great sense of relief once Congress finally acts and the tendency will be to put this thing in our rear view mirrors and move forward. That is exactly what they are all hoping we will do. But this time is different, This time they have brought death to our doors through they behavior. This time they squandered our hearts, deranged our minds and mangled our souls. So this time they need to be held accountable. This time we need to closely examine the monster they produce and know the exact genealogy of its parentage…..and then hammer the crap out of those involved in the creation of this monster.


Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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