2 min readNov 5, 2022


This whole thing about switching your clock forward or backward 1 hour once a year as being some sort of deadly dangerous is ludicrous Jared. It's another stab at someone trying to make everyone a victim of something. So why not make us all victims of time? (Sounds sort of Sci-Fi eh?)

Anyway, here are a few simple and common senses bits of reality that give the whole idea a much different perspective.

Personally, I traveled much of the world for much of my life; +/-40 years, maybe 80 countries across 18 time zones. Some days I'd push through 8 or 9 time zones (US west coast to middle-east or east Africa), some days more (Tokyo - home in CA - change luggage - off to Geneva). Never caused a heart attack, never caused a car crash....and I'm quite fine all those decades later.

But that's an extreme example perhaps. Here's a simpler one. I used to drive from California to see family in Arizona pretty regularly. Thousands of people do every day. Some times of the year that would be a 1 hour time zone change. Meaning you would gain or lose an hours sleep depending upon which direction you were going. I've done it maybe 100 times and no crashes or heart issues for me.

In fact, millions of people make one or more time zone changes regularly; for work or pleasure. Losing or gaining a few hours is something you just adjust to. It is not hard! When people go on vacation to Hawaii, 3-6 times zones from the US mainland, does Hawaii report a surge in heart attacks or car crashes? No! Do the people making the trip suffer some irreparable damage to their internal clock? No! They adapt, and have fun doing it. They might not like it when the return home and have to step back into their home life schedule, but they make it just fine.

So, if a one hour time change once every 6 months bothers you that much I recommend you never leave your time zone, because that should bother you just as much.

For the record, I wish they would kill the idea just because it's a pain in the ass; but not because of any fear of bodily harm. In the mean time though, I'll buck up.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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