Though not an Annapolis alum I did my time in the Army and thus will forever have a connection. Today's leadership is faced the challenging reality that racism and police brutality are both deep seated in our country and in need of excision.
Mass protests are important constitutional rights in our country and should not be impeded, by anyone. Assault and murder of innocent American citizens and looting, burning and destroying their livelihoods are not constitutionally protected, but rather criminal activities and should not and cannot be tolerated. Though it is a difficult task, there needs to be separation between the right to protest and crimes against innocent citizens by individuals and groups hiding within those protests. If placed in that situation, each of us must also consider our responsibility to those innocent citizens in need of protection and stand against those that would harm them. Law, order, safety and security are rights of the innocent and must be upheld or we will all sink into chaos.
Thank you for your service.