Ukraine…the world needs to cut the political BS. The decision is simple.

3 min readApr 24, 2022

In my profile I state that I have little tolerance for political BS. The war in Ukraine is a monumental example of why I feel that way. “Political” voices all across the planet have strived to carve out positions based entirely on what looks like it provides the “cover” they need now, while this atrocity is happening, or will need in the future when the dust clears and we look back on this horrendous human tragedy. On that day of judgement, all the spinning and posturing and hyperbolic rhetoric will be shown to be just a bunch of political BS. And because of the scale of this tragedy, this brutal invasion of a people by their neighbors, friends and often family, this BS is going to stink longer and stronger than anything in recent history. That stench is going to stick to anyone and everyone who has not just denounced Putin and his actions, but actively sought to punish him and all of Russia that let this madman become their “leader” and inflict his mental sickness upon the world.

You see, when you put all that crafty political BS aside Ukraine is really a simple situation. Either you are against Putin and Russia in this action or you are for them. Either you are against the murder and rape and genocide that Russia is unleashing on Ukraine, or you are for it. There is no middle ground. Neutrality is not an option. It is the same as endorsement. It does not matter what your relationship with Putin or Russia might be, or how your “leaders” might spin it. This situation is black and white. There is no gray area to hide in, despite how hard politicians might try to tell you otherwise.

I know that some politicians will hum and haw about what I just said, because they are, after all, politicians. They think their job is to twist and distort reality to suit their purposes, even when that reality the seek to spin to their benefit is disgustingly inhumane.

So here’s my take: To all of the nations out there who have not denounced Putin’s genocidal actions in Ukraine. You are all complicit in it. To all of you people that live in those nations, your government is dragging you into that complicity. The blood that Putin has put on the hands of Russians is on your hands too. You don’t get to hide behind your political BS. There is only two sides in this fight. You are either against the murderous actions of Putin and Russia or you are for it. Neutrality is not an option; despite what BS your politicians might be trying to jam down your throats.

So, the next time you see a photo of dead Ukrainian children, women, men, grand mothers and fathers, lying in the streets of some previously peaceful Ukrainian city or village think to yourself “I had a hand that!” You might not have pulled the trigger or fired the missile, but if you did not denounce and actively oppose Russia's action in Ukraine you are complicit in it, and that stink is on you, and it will linger for a long, long time to come. Because “Neutrality is not an Option!”




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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