2 min readAug 16, 2019


Umair, man….what’s in your breakfast bowl? That’s a lot of words to do the same thing you always seem to do, attack America. Your perspective, as usual, seems a bit distorted. Your groove is always to highlight a few really negative things, (which I agree they too often were) take them out of context and then paint all of America and Americans with that same dystopian palette. Reality check buddy. If it weren’t for America in the last century there is a good chance you wouldn’t be allowed to write the things you do. In fact, in today China you would not be allowed to dispense such a toxic opinion of them. In America though you are free to be and say just about anything you want.

I’m confused about your name though. There is a fellow with the same name that writes for the Harvard Business Review. His wiki-pages says he “focuses on capitalism and creating prosperity in the 21st century”. Perhaps you are not that Umair; any more. I read “Love of a Strong Man” and wondered what point was being proposed. It doesn’t parallel any reality I have known, and I am pretty imaginative. But perhaps that was not you.

In my years I have traveled most of the world; some 75 countries, maybe more. I spent a good deal of time in most of them, certainly enough time to get a feel for their cultures and governmental behavior. Many were pretty good places. Some were marginal and a few were not good at all. Governmental structure aside though and just looking at the people, I found they were all essentially the same; open, caring, peaceful, family-focused. I really enjoyed, and still enjoy, my relationships with those people in those countries, but when it was all said and done I was always happy that I was going home to America, and many of them wished they could go with me.

So, you are welcome to paint America in any fashion you choose because it is America, and we not only make room for you to do that, but we embrace and fight for your right to do so.




Written by Johnnieblueshoes

One-time Democrat, came to my senses, opinionated…but evidence based, moderately conservative, have trouble with BS…especially the political variety.

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